In partnership with Inn på Tunet
Inn på Tunet is a Norwegian organization that represents farms that together have formed joint ventures that provide welfare services. The offers are adapted to all levels and ages. Most of the offers are aimed at educating, supporting children/youth, work/work training and health care.
In cooperation with the regional representative of Inn på Tunet in at Lilleheil in Bindal, we have created a project that will last throughout the winter, involving learning about horses and Peacepainting. Pupils in the local Bindalseidet School will meet at Lilleheil on Saturdays during the winter of 2020/2021 to learn about how to treat horses in a good way. Following this is they have a Peacepaitning workshop. Peacepainting is a tool that stimulates introspection and learning, and will help to cement and process the knowledge the participants gather during the horse education sessions.

Some of the paintings created