Source: Visit Norway.com

In 2019 it was announced that the city of Bodø, Norway will be the European Capital of Culture in 2024. This will put culture, richness and diversity at the heart of Bodø, and with EU support a series of events will be organized to create a yearlong festival of art and culture.
In close partnership with Bodø2024, Peacepainting will develop and establish a series of workshops, exhibitions and training courses in a project named Nordic Peacepainting 2024. The project has already launched (see below) and will culminate with exhibitions and additional workshops during Bodø2024.
Nordic Peacepainting 2024
A project by Bodø2024 and Peacepainting
Participants will learn how intuitive painting can give rise to an inner sense of harmony, balance and equality
Teachers will receive trainings and learn to use art as a tool for integration, not only between nordic countries but also internationally
Exhibitions will enrich, inform and raise awareness on the topic of equality and create a union between people across borders
Part 2 of our workshop at Galleri NordNorge in collaboration with Harstad kulturskole and Syrart (Syrian art), where we held workshops with children who recently came to Norway.
In collaboration with Harstad kulturskole and Syrart (Syrian art), we held two Peacepainting workshops at Galleri NordNorge in September. Participants were children who have recently come to Norway and are currently attending reception school in Harstad, where many came from Ukraine.
Day 2 of the Peace and Equality in the North workshop with an anonymous group of adults. See paintings created!
As part of the Peace and Equality in the North series that was held in the North of Norway this spring and summer, we held a 2-day workshop with an anonymous group of adults.
The Peacepainting method has proven to be a very successful method for helping to process, express and communicate people’s inner world.
On the 8th of June 2022, we held the second Peacepainting workshops in collaboration with Nordkappmuseet and Bodø2024 in Honningsvåg in the North of Norway.
Monday 20 June, Alta Museum marked The World Refugee Day with the opening of our Peacepainting Exhibition named Peace and Equality in the North. Learn more and see a video from the exhibition.
A day of sharing stories and experiences at the Alta Museum. A mixed group took part in the Peacepainting workshop; locals who had experienced the burning of Finnmark and the evacuation during the second world war painted together with people from other countries who recently had moved to Alta.
The Peacepainting method has proven to be a very successful method for helping to process, express and communicate people’s inner world.
On the 7th and 8th of June 2022, we held Peacepainting workshops in collaboration with Nordkappmuseet and Bodø2024 in Honningsvåg in the North of Norway. The participants’ messages and their paintings can be found in exhibitions at Nordkappmuseet this summer and will also be exhibited during the Nordkapp Festival 2022 from the 7th-11th of September 2022.
Read about our workshop in the special town of Rjukan, Tinn municipality on Saturday 15th of January 2022.
On December 16th, the contract between Bodø2024 and Peacepainting was formally signed.
During 2021 we have had a project in collaboration with Bodø2024 and Dagsenteret in Bindalseidet, and the result is now being exhibited on various places in Bindal Municipality.
Peacepainting workshops were held at Terråk Skole as part of Nordic Peacepainting 2024 and Creative Week.
As part of two projects, Nordic Peacepainting 2024 and InAutism – Fostering Adult Integration, we conducted workshops with residents at Bindalseidet Day Center. The workshops were held over 2 days, and were the first in a series of workshops that will be held with these two projects.
In close partnership with Bodø 2024, Peacepainting will develop and establish a series of workshops, exhibitions and training courses in a project named Nordic Peacepainting 2024. Together with Terråk Skole and Creative Week, we ran the first series of workshops marking the launch of Nordic Peacepainting 2024.