Avinor, the state-owned company that operates most of the civil airports in Norway, has been an important Peacepainting partner.
We have had exhibitions at their many airports in Norway, including the Helicopter Terminal in Brønnøysund.
Brønnøysund Airport is the second-busiest regional airport in Norway, (1).
This airport also serves offshore helicopter flights by CHC Helikopter Service to Norne and other temporary oil rigs in the Norwegian Sea.
It was on this helicopter terminal that these paintings were exhibited.
The son finally dares to come home after wasting his inheritance which he received in advance. The father is happy, but the brother, who is the black square, is jealous.”
- Susanne Moe, Norway
Airport manager Glenn-Robert Johnsen commented on the exhibition:
“I though the concept and idea were good, so I raised it for Statoil [today’s Equinor] and British Petroleum, which are the main users of the terminal.
They also thought it was a great idea and gave their full support.
There have been calls for more to look at and this exhibition lights up the space with really great colors”
- Glenn-Robert Johnsen
One of the paintings exhibited was made by a girl (8), from Brønnøysund. The title was “Brother’s heart” and she painted it for her older brother (19).
“I was thinking about my brother when I painted it. I love him and it would have been boring without him. But even if we are not always agreeing on everything, we don’t have to kick, hit or fight each other. If everybody is kind to one another, we can let go of war and sorrow.”
See other paintings from the exhibition
(Click on each painting for the full text)