To continue our great partnership with School 2010, we travelled back and had new painting workshops with different groups of children from the school.
Read moreWorkshops in collaboration with YFU, Hønefoss, Norway
We conducted workshops in collaboration with Youth For Understanding, a non profit exchange organization. Over 70 international exchange students tied to the organization participated in the workshop.
YFU IQ (415)
Exhibition at Berg School, Norway
40 paintings decorate the walls. Some are from other countries such as Tunisia, Sri Lanka and Russia.
The rest have they made themselves at workshops through the organisation B.A.R.N.
The project is in cooperation with Sømna Culture School.
July 2012 - Terråk
Peacepainting course in which young people from Norway and other countries took part. The course was held where we plan to build an art and peace centre for children and youth.
June 2012 - Oslosenteret
Kjell Magne Bondevik presents Aung San Suu Kyi a painting, “The Dove”, by Maja Lund. Maja was one of the 70 children who took part in workshops with ihana! / Inger Birkelund, Baaskifestivalen i Nordreisa.
June 2012, Nordland - Nordland County Council
Catrine Gangstø informs about art and peacekeeping at Nordland’s Country Council.
June 2012 - Baaskifestivalen, Nordreisa, Norway
We carried out workshops after invitation from ihana which aims to impart and promote Kvensk culture and the “tre stammers møte”. Ihana is Kvensk and means “fantastic”, “brilliant”! About 90 children participated.
The Ministry of Defence – June 2012
We exchanged the paintings in the frames. Children and youth from Norway, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Germany and Mexico now have an exhibition in the Leadership Building for the rest of the year. General Rajiv from India is trying to get the exhibition to his homeland.
Christian Michelsen’s Institute
Meeting with CMI in Bergen, 16 February 2012, for cooperation in Tunisia in the first instance.
March 2012 - Korgen
December 2011 - The Nordland Bank, Brønnøysund
The Savings Bank Foundation gave financial support to Peacepainting in 2011.
Velfjord, Nordland – April 2012
Workshop in the old Cooperative in Hommelstø.
Photo: Børge Rugås.
"Huset mitt på Island" av Julia
“My house in Iceland” by Julia.
Kåre Willoch
Dear Catrine Gangstø
Here comes a much too late, but nevertheless heartfelt, thank you for a lovely letter from you, and to the greatest extent for the delayed “Everything changes the whole time”. I am impressed with everything you have accomplished, and believe that the use and development of children’s artistic talents are important both for the children themselves and for everyone who gets to see the results of their efforts. We must both hope and believe that such work can also contribute to understanding across political, religious and other cultural borders.
With my best wishes for the work, and
Yours sincerely Kåre Willoch
Her kommer en altfor sen, men likevel hjertelig takk for et hyggelig brev fra deg, og i høyeste grad for heftet "Alt forandrer seg hele tiden". Jeg er imponert over alt du har fått til, og tror at bruk og utvikling av barns kunstneriske talenter er viktig både for vedkommende barn selv, og for alle som får se resultatene av deres bestrebelser. Vi må jo både håpe og tro at slikt arbeid også kan medvirke til forståelse på tvers av politiske, religiøse og andre kulturelle grenser.
Med mine beste ønsker for innsatsen, og
Vennlig hilsen
Kåre Willoch
February 2012 - Even Brevik
The Office of the Prime Minister – February 2012
The Office wished for a painting from our concept “Children and youth paint for peace and friendship between people and nations”. Even Brevik, 12 years old, went to Oslo and handed over the painting himself. He was one of 17 participants from Bindal municipality on the “Peacepainting tour” in Tunisia in 2011, and he had painted the picture there.His text for the painting: “ONE STAR can look like a gleam of light, but is really a whole solar system. A number of solar systems become a galaxy, and a number of galaxies become a universe. That means that something that is small can become something big.”
Brønnøysund Culture School – January 2012
Workshop at Vevelstad School.
France – January 2012
The Peacepainting leader accompanied Torgar Business Garden to Rouen, Le Havre and Honfleur to make contacts with those who had expressed an interest in advance. Workshops were carried out and connections are under way. Two people will continue with this method in France.
October 2011 - Moscow
Peacepainting and Éspace des Arts from Tunisia visited a school and carried out workshops with 17 and 10 year olds in Moscow. We had one youth and one child from Norway with us. We also had with us an exhibition that was mounted in connection with an anniversary which occurred at the same time as we were there.
Gangstø – November 2011
In November 2011, 20 Brønnøysund scouts spent a weekend at Gangstøa. We painted and went for walks in the local environment. We visited, among other things, the Bindal rural museum, the forminnerløypa that has forminner from the Viking Age and the Iron Age, and we also visited burial mounds etc. Two people from Sri Lanka were here. They invited Peacepainting to their homeland. Cooperation is under way.
February 2011 - The culture school in Sør-Varanger
During the festival “Barents Days” in Kirkenes in February 2011, we participated via the culture school with a workshop “Children paint for peace and friendship between people and nations”.